Exciting News

Baby Ray in May 1

It’s true! We’re having a baby! We are so, so grateful.

Baby Ray
Due: May 27th, 2015

To be honest, It’s so hard for me to believe this is really happening. Is there really a human growing inside of me? Are our lives really about to change forever? It’s quite surreal! It came as a surprise, and while we were certainly talking about starting a family sometime in 2015/2016, we didn’t expect for it to happen when it did. Will and I would both describe the first 2 weeks of this pregnancy in one word: disbelief. We just couldn’t believe it! In fact, we’ve been laughing a whole lot lately, because we specifically said that we would try to avoid having a baby during high wedding season: May, June, September, October. Yep, we nailed it.

Baby Ray in May 2

So, there are a few questions I’ve been asked every time we’ve shared the news with family and friends. I plan to write more about my journey soon, but for now, here are my answers (since I know you must be curious)!

How did you find out? :: Will kept telling me I needed to take a pregnancy test before leaving town for the Influence Conference back in September. I was convinced I was not pregnant, so I didn’t want to waste a perfectly good test on something I was so sure about. (“Will, I know my body! I’m not pregnant!”) He headed out to a financial conference for the day, and I quickly took a pregnancy test before getting dressed on Thursday, September 25th. I didn’t think twice about it. Sure enough, a pink line showed up right away. I could NOT believe it. I stood in my bedroom for 5 minutes in my PJs, not knowing what to do. I cried and I prayed. Then I finally decided to get dressed, and go pick up 2 more tests that had “pregnant” spelled out so I could be SURE. When I got home, I took another test. Sure enough, the word pregnant popped up very quickly! I told Will later that afternoon, and he was elated! (More on that later!)

A note on the timing of when I found out : it was one of the craziest weekends of my life. This was the day before I photographed a beautiful Friday wedding, 2 days before flying out of town at 3:30am on Saturday (and the plane was delayed) for a speaking engagement in Indianapolis. It was a whirlwind of a weekend, and only by God’s grace and Will’s amazing support did I make it through!

Baby Ray in May 3

Were you surprised? :: Yes, very surprised! But thankfully we were talking about starting a family this year or next, so we are quite happy with the surprise.

Are you going to find out if it’s a boy or a girl? :: Undecided. Leaning towards not finding out!

How have you been feeling? :: Great. Seriously, I have been feeling so amazing. I always feared “morning sickness,” but I am incredibly thankful that I haven’t been sick at all. I get really tired at 10pm, but I feel great and energetic during the day. I’ve kept up my running, which has helped a lot. I’ve had waves of nausea, but as long as keep eating, I’m good! It’s odd because I don’t like peanut butter anymore (it was pretty much my favorite food), and I love black coffee and pickles. (Not together.) Oh, and I hate red onions all of a sudden. But other than that, I really am feeling great.

I’ll be sharing more of my journey as my bump grows! God has taught me so much through this process, and most of all He’s shown me how loving, gracious, and patient He is. Truly. To be honest, I have never had “baby fever,” and I’ve been quite content as a wife and business owner. But as time passed, He called me to this. He held my hand the whole way, reassuring me that I can do this, implementing His perfect timing. He is always sovereign, and He is always good. Trusting Him every step of the way! More thoughts to come!

A big thank you to:
Callie for taking these beautiful images
Juliet who hand lettered this announcement!