April 2015 Goals

I feel like April is about to take me on a crazy ride. Weddings, nursery prep, family vacation, baby prep, childbirth classes, and finishing everything I possibly can before maternity leave arrives on May 10th. I have a whole lot of “to do’s,” but I have to ask myself, what exactly are my goals?

One definition of a goal is “an aim or desired result.” My aim or desired result at the end of April is to have a clutter free home, to have made huge progress on my new branding, to have successfully photographed 2 beautiful weddings and several sessions, to have the nursery finished, and to be in “wrap up mode” by the beginning of May.

I have to keep that desired result in my mind, or I will get overwhelmed and won’t stick to it. But in order to really accomplish those goals, I need to break them down to a more practical level.

April Goals

  • Read 12 in 12 : Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth and The Power of a Praying Parent

  • Photograph an editorial shoot for Southern Weddings Magazine

  • Dive into wedding season : photograph 2 weddings

  • Spend a long weekend in Beaufort with Will

  • Complete our Birth Classes

  • Stay current with assignments for NRP’s new branding (It’s always tough to balance the urgent v. important. This is super important, but not urgent, hence it needs to be on my goals.)

  • Take a vacation to the beach with my family and celebrate my cousin’s wedding

  • Begin the great de-clutter of 2015 in the Ray household:

  • Clean out our closet

  • Clean out our dressers + bedside tables

  • Clean out our garage

  • Run or exercise 2-3x / week

Here’s to a productive, fantastic April!