June 2017 Goals

It’s hard to believe that June is my last full month of being pregnant with Baby #2. It’s the last month that Milly will be the only child in my arms. It’s the last month of just Milly and Mama… another little one will make my mama heart grow even more.

I know it’s going to be so sweet and wonderful, and I am just so excited to meet this little baby. But part of me certainly is sad to see this season of Milly being our only baby come to an end. She made me a mama. She’s taught me so much. I love her fiercely, and I am holding these days with her just a little tighter, a little closer to my heart.

June is a month of launching big things, wrapping up much of work, preparing for Maternity leave, date nights with my hubby of 9 WHOLE years, and lots of intentional time with my girl.

I’m not due until the end of July, but you know… babies come when they want. So I’m gonna make June count for all that it can!

June Goals