May 2012 Goals

I ran 6 miles this morning.

With a fancy little runner’s belt, at that! For those of you who have known me for a long time, I know I might have to do a little convincing. I grew up as the most un-athletic person you would ever meet. So, allow me back up a bit.

3 months ago, I couldn’t run 2 miles without feeling like I was at death’s door. No really. I would have to walk part of the time, then give myself a pep talk, then run again… and I looked like a sluggish little old woman doing the slowest jog possible. I mean, I was slooow. By the time I would make it home, I would be panting heavier than Winston.  And if I “ran” 2 miles once a week, I was, in my opinion, awesome at life. It was really difficult to wrap my mind around the fact that I would be running 13.1 miles later this year.

By creating a solid “base” as Coach calls it, I was able to slowly over time increase my distance and speed. (A strong base = being really solid at running 2-3 miles multiple times a week, not concerning yourself with long distances or record times.)  So, I would run… a lot. 3-4 times a week, until he knew I was ready to increase my distance. The first time I ran 3 miles without stopping, I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT. Same story with 4 miles, 5 miles, and now… 6 miles.

Did I really just do that? 

And that, my friends, is the power of setting goals. No, I haven’t run my half marathon yet. But I’m right on track to run it in July. And what’s weirder? I LOVE running. Running 4 times a week doesn’t seem like enough for me anymore. I want to run every day. I love being outside with my pup. I love feeling the sun on my skin. I love getting sweaty. I love my awesome runner’s-tan. (Yes, my feet are really white.)  I never thought I would say this, but I love being an athlete. I’m so proud of myself for setting this goal, because I never thought I could do this.

In the spirit of setting goals, I just have a few, simplified goals for this May. Wedding season is in full-swing, and I need to stay focused on what I can realistically accomplish!  I have some inspiring blogposts heading your way, after attending Making Things Happen this week. (I need a few more days to organize my thoughts – what a day!)  My first May goal is related directly to MTH :  living life to the full, and  being intentional about living in the moment.


May Goals

  • To detach myself from my iPhone and live a real life by removing emails from my iPhone and buying a new, separate alarm clock

  • To stay committed to my half marathon training in this summer heat (& buy new running clothes as a reward for my 5K!)

  • Wake up at 6am once a week, to move a bit closer to my 2012 goal of waking up at 6am each and every morning

  • 12 in 12: Read Heaven is for Real 

What are your May Goals? Leave a link below!