May 2018 Goals

If I’m honest, I’m in the thick of it over here. It’s been weekend after weekend of weddings and more weddings, a marriage retreat, and we just spent our first weekend at home in what feels like forever. It’s easy to not even want to set goals – but to just survive and get through. But that’s when I know it’s even more important to set goals, so that the important stuff doesn’t fall to the wayside.

When I think about May, I think about my sweet Milly who is about to turn 3, picking strawberries as a family (my favorite mother’s day tradition), the pool opening in our neighborhood, and evening walks as a family.

But if I don’t prioritize those things, my work and household stuff just seems to take over. Which is NOT okay!

So here are my goals for May. Simple, thoughtful, and good:

Here’s to prioritizing THE most important.