November 2013 Goals

October was a whirlwind. It was GOOD, but it was a whirlwind. It included:

3 booked weddings on October 5th to begin the month (!) • 5 hot yoga classes that kicked my butt • 5 weddings total • weekend in Beaufort to spend time with Will and photograph Callie & Jamie’s engagement session • strength training with an amazing personal trainer • online google hangout (watch here if you didn’t get to see it) • 11 sessions • 1 rehearsal dinner • Making Things Happen Conference • the NC State Fair with Will • running in my neighborhood • annual Bridge costume party

Bare with me for a few moments while I just dump out my heart and my thoughts into this post. You’ve been warned.

My heart is full. It is heavy and refreshed at the same time. Making Things Happen gave me the gift that it always gives : a renewed perspective, focus on my life goals, determination to make time for what matters: reading, date nights, exercise, etc.

Yet at the same time,  I have been so frustrated lately because I feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done. Sometimes, I literally say out loud, “There IS enough time. God gave me enough time!” Which is true. But HOW I manage that time plays out in my life in so many different ways. The truth is that my to-do list exceeds the realistic time I have to check it all off. I put too much on my plate for the day. Then I leave my work day feeling defeated and guilty when I stop to watch a movie with Will or exercise or take the time to cook dinner.

In the midst of all of this, I’m reading an incredible book : 168 hours – you have more time than you think. It has helped me immensely, and I’m so grateful for it. The first thing it tells you to do is log every single hour of your day and write down how you spend it. So instead of logging “work,” I write down “emails” or “blogging.”  I have logged 2 weeks, and I am still logging my hours and learning about this crazy life that I lead. I am learning how to exercise and answer all these emails that will never stop filling my inbox and how to train my team and how to be a good wife and get enough sleep and plan time for me and rest and edit and update my business to stay current (read: USB drives instead of DVDs) and I feel just plain overwhelmed sometimes. I am just one person.

Want to know what I’ve discovered in all of this?

I still have a lot of learning to do.

I want more boundaries, a more productive schedule, more adventures, a healthier lifestyle, and happier clients.

You know what else I’ve learned?

These things take time.

Small changes over time = a BIG change. So this month, I will be faithful with what is right in front of me: November. I will continue to make goals and learn how to better myself and my life. I will whisper prayers of thanks, because while I’m not perfect and I’m not where I want to be, I have come so far.

Lord, give me perspective so that do not become discouraged. Give me strength to change where I need to.

November Goals

  • Continue 15 in 12 : Finish 168 Hours, Read The Advantage as part of the #readsplendid Book Club

  • Begin training for my Christmas Day 10K! (Yes it’s a race that my sister and I made up!)

  • Launch Mentor Sessions with Will

  • Teach a finance class on the Influence Network

  • Eat only 2 desserts / week

  • Celebrate Will’s birthday!

  • Photograph 3 weddings, which will wrap up my 2013 wedding season

  • See Gravity and the Hunger Games in Theaters. Scared about Gravity. Pumped about Hunger Games!

  • Enjoy the mountains with my family

  • Lead a few songs of worship on the guitar (!) at the Celebration Staff Retreat

  • Complete all my Christmas shopping by Cyber Monday

  • Order USB drives to replace DVD’s for Digital Negatives

What are your November Goals? Leave a comment with a link to your blog below! Even if this is the very first month you’ve ever blogged your goals – leave your link. You never know who you will inspire!

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