Nancy Ray Photography: Our Final Year of Business

nancy ray photography team

Gosh I can’t believe I’m really typing this.

After 12 months of prayer, seeking God’s voice, and coming to experience abundant peace,

I’ve decided that it’s time to close the doors of Nancy Ray Photography.
2019 will be our last year serving weddings and families as a team.
Cue the tears! 😭

I know this news might be surprising to you – it’s honestly still a bit surprising to me too! It’s HARD to close something that is good and profitable. It’s hard to close the doors of work that I really do love.

So WHY is this happening?

In short: God has gently made it clear that the season for Nancy Ray Photography has come to an end.

It has been a long season of me praying, crying, seeking, and realizing over the course of a year: God wants me to keep working, but He wants me to do a different kind of work.

It’s time for me to allow Nancy Ray Photography to come to an end, so I can step into something new, and allow others to continue in this beautiful work of wedding and family photography.

The Lord is giving me a new assignment as I step into this new season of motherhood (raising 3 tiny wonderful people!) and teaching (via podcast and online education) that I’ve been feeling a nudge towards for a long time.

I plan to share the whole story soon, but there are a few important things to note, especially if you are or have been one of our clients, that I have explained further on the NRP blog!

You KNOW how much I love photography, love this business, love this team, and love what we’ve built together over the last almost 12 years. And even though I’ve spent a better part of the past few months crying as I’ve come to grips with letting this good work go, I’m becoming more excited for the time and space it will create in the future for my family, and hopefully a platform to teach lessons I’ve learned from 12 years of business.

A friend recently told me that it hurts when you prune a branch that is fruitful and alive, but that’s the only way to let more fruit grow. I’m taking that message to heart. Today I’m full of tears because of this announcement.

Yep, I’m scared.

No, I don’t really know how to be a grown up without Nancy Ray Photography.

But I believe wholeheartedly that God’s voice is worth following.

And I don’t mind sharing my story as I go, even though I don’t have it all figured out yet.

YOU are a huge reason why we’ve had the success that we have. I don’t say that lightly AT ALL. I am so incredibly grateful for you. We have determined to make this the BEST year of Nancy Ray Photography we’ve ever had, and I simply wanted to let you know what was going on and invite you to celebrate with us as we end this work on a strong note.

The GOOD news is that the education / teaching side of this business isn’t going anywhere! I’ll be here continuing to teach about business and motherhood and faith and a number of other topics. I’m just weeks away from launching my podcast, and I can’t wait to continue to share more of what God has put on my heart.​

I am also OVERJOYED to announce that our very own Olivia Suriano will be starting her own wedding photography business beginning 1/1/2020! You can check out her new site here. What a blessing to be able to recommend someone who has the exact same style, quality, and care that I do. (I did train her after all 😉!)

So with a heavy and hopeful and sad and happy heart, I’m excited to let God continue to write my story. The story has always been His anyway, so we’ll see what He does together. Grateful for your prayers and support as I turn a new page and start a new chapter!