September 2016 Goals

September means rhythm. I am so excited to settle into routine and embrace fall a little too early, like I usually do. I can pretty much smell the pencil shavings and new binders and new planners. Summer is over, and a fresh new rhythm of school and work settles in, and I love it. I thrive in rhythm and routine. Yes, even though no one in our home attends school, I get excited for school supplies and seeing all the sleepy children on the corner, waiting for their buses. It makes me want to get organized afresh, wake up a little earlier, and seize my days.

I’m going to give it to you straight: there were several August Goals I didn’t finish. Including organizing my personal photos. And photographing 3 home tours. (I only did one.) And finalizing filming with Heartstone for our next Shop series. (They are currently moving their entire studio to a different location.) That equals like half of my goals for August. So there’s that.

But do you know what I did do? I kept up with our Sabbaths, I enjoyed a day on the lake with friends, and we retreated to the mountains together with friends.

Also, I made some hard but good decisions regarding the Nancy Ray News and organizing our email list. Less fluff, more content, more streamlined, and ultimately more value for you, and less wasted time designing stuff for us. It’s going to be VERY different, but all in all, I’m SO excited about it. So in short, if you haven’t signed up for our newsletter, you should!

Now off to use some colored pencils, burning a cinnamon cider candle, and organizing my photos!

September Goals

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