039 - 5 Things to Include in Your Annual Goal Setting Routine


Show Notes:

Well, Happy New Year!

It’s the first episode of the year, of the decade, in fact, and we're about seven days into 2020 and I'm full of expectation for what's ahead. I hope you are, too. I don't know about you, but I've found such inspiration through the years from listening to how other people prepare for a new year or set your New Year's resolutions and set their goals. So I thought it'd be fun to share a little bit of my goal setting routine with you in five things I love to incorporate in that annual goal setting routine that has really benefited me, and I hope that it does you, as well.

In a shallow, surface-deep world, let's approach life differently, me and you, okay? Let's grow our roots deep. Let's take authority over our days by setting our alarm clock, waking up a little earlier so we can re-center and listen to Jesus before the voices of Instagram and emails and family and toddlers and just life takeover. Let's put our phones down to look into the eyes of whoever is in front of us and really listen. Let's go outside and feel the sun on our skin way more than we did last year.

I know you might have amazing goals set out for this year. It might include growing your reach or your business or your platform, or maybe you want to get healthy or strong. I know that's on my list, or maybe you want to take hold of your finances, get out of debt, invest in your marriage. Well today I want to encourage you to just pause and grow deep first. 

So, whether you've already set all your goals or maybe if goals are annoying to you and you never set them, I hope that maybe you'll be able to take one little piece from this episode, something that I share today, and that it will be helpful for your life as you look ahead to the brand new year in front of you.

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