Nancy Ray

Today, I turn 32!

I LOVE birthdays, and I love parties and celebrations and decorating and cakes and all the birthday things. I am not one of those “low key” kind of people when it comes to birthdays - I like to celebrate every year of life BIG. I don’t mind aging at all… I see it as part of life and want to age gracefully. So the more candles, the better!

But this year, it’s quiet. And I’m LOVING it.

I’m embracing JOMO - the Joy Of Missing Out!

  • I’m going to be home nursing a newborn baby boy all day.

  • I’m going to play with Milly and Lyndon.

  • I’m going to nap.

  • I’m going to laugh a lot with my sister who is in town for a visit.

  • I’m going to order pizza.

  • I’m going to snuggle my husband and watch a movie on the couch before we fall asleep.

  • I’m going to eat as much cookie cake as I please.

  • I may or may not be up for midnight, and I’m okay with that.

As a 32 year old, this actually doesn’t sound like missing out at all. It sounds like my FAVORITE DAY EVER.

One of my biggest decisions I am making for this year of my life is to embrace JOMO in every situation. As someone who LOVES to be a part of everything and reach every goal, this is the heart of God in so many ways…

To look inward.

To be grateful for all He’s done.

To be content.

And that’s my challenge to you, too. No more FOMO, friends. Replace that fear of missing out with JOY, knowing that God has you exactly where He has you. And HE IS WITH YOU! With that in mind, there really is no missing out! His joy and His presence are all we need.

Here’s to practicing JOMO every day!