2020 Nancy Ray Book Club

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The 2020 Book Club is here!!!

It was a TASK choosing these books! The list of books I want to read in life keeps growing, and it’s hard to narrow it down and choose the ones I want for this year. For me personally, I’ve found that 12 books a year with 3 small kids is definitely a stretch goal. I wish it were easier to make time to read, and that I could read 2 books a month or more… but for now, I’m staying right here where it feels like a solid challenge.

You are welcome to join me for any or all of the Nancy Ray Book Club! I’ll explain details below, but without further ado, here are my book choices for 2020!

You are the Girl for the Job (January)

Seasons of God (February)

When Less Becomes More (March)

Beginner’s Pluck (April)

The Next Right Thing (May)

Crucial Conversations (June)

The Nightingale (July)

The Pumpkin Plan (August)

Rhythms of Renewal (September)

Digital Minimalism (October)

The Celebration of Discipline (November)

Parenting with Love and Logic (December)

As always, I choose books that I personally want to read for this season of my life, books that have high recommendations, new books, old books, and occasionally books that I’ve read before (like the Celebration of Discipline - an all time FAV of mine!). I aim for a solid mix of business (Pumpkin Plan, Crucial Conversations, Beginners Pluck), spiritual (Seasons of God, You are the Girl for the Job, Rhythms of Renewal, Celebration of Discipline), personal (Digital Minimalism, When Less Becomes More, The Next Right Thing), Parenting (Parenting with Love and Logic, also When Less Becomes More), and I like to throw in a novel (I never got around to reading my novel last year, so here it lands again in this year’s line up : The Nightingale!)!

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So, here’s how it works!

  1. Sign up to be part of the book club here. You’ll receive 1 email per month with a reading plan for each book!

  2. Buy the books you want to read ahead of time! (I ALWAYS appreciate it when you use my affiliate links above!)

  3. Join the Nancy Ray Book Club on Facebook

  4. Listen to the podcast, where I’ll do an episode recapping my big takeaways from each book and occasionally interview an author!

So excited for what we will learn this year, together. Of all the books listed, which one are you most excited about?

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