December Goals 2019

Ray Family Christmas Trees.JPG

I heard this phrase that Craig Groeschel coined at the Global Leadership Summit earlier this year, and let me tell you: it has given me all sorts of life since then.


Good Enough To Move On.

I love it so much that we’ve made it a core value of my new business. (New business = podcast and whatever else is to come… more on that soon.)


Don’t spend hours and hours on it to make it perfect…. spend the necessary time to make it good enough, then move on to the next thing!

For me as I write this blogpost, I’m terribly sad that I altogether skipped my November Goals. This is the first time it’s happened in almost 10 years… which, as I type that, makes me feel like a mental case because that is just a lot of goals in a lot of years and I need to chill! But it’s also been an accountability thing, something that’s kept me coming back to the things I really want to focus on.

But this month : it’s fine. I’m calling it good enough to move on. I have 3 small kids. I’m closing a business. So I’m moving on to December, heaping some grace on myself, and while I do plan to continue to blog my goals each month, I’m just not planning on taking myself so seriously.

So here we go, December! You are full full full, but I am so excited for the sweet memories that are about to be made!

December Goals

Host Beaufort’s first birthday party (!)
Send out Christmas Cards
Host a massive Instagram Yard Sale of all the things
Stay within budget for Christmas
Finish recording podcast episodes through January
Bake Peanut Butter Christmas Cookies with the girls
Finish all shopping and wrapping by Dec 15
Christmas Date Night with Will
End of Year / End of Business Celebration with the NRP Team
Go Christmas Caroling at a nursing home
Attend my last C12 KP Group
See Jess in the Behold the Lamb of God Tour
Plan Minki Christmas
Turn 33 & find simple ways to celebrate it

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