Covid Part 5: My children have no idea.

Covid Part 5: My children have no idea.

Milly and Lyndon Jumping.JPG

They are 4, 2 and 1. We tried to explain to the 4 year old what the Coronavirus is, and she just looks at us confused. We say it’s like the flu, and we’re staying safe so no one else gets sick. And she usually responds by asking a question about the food she’s eating or she makes a silly face.

They are oblivious, and I am honestly real thankful. I’m thankful I can provide them a home that is safe and free of worry. That right now her biggest concern is whether or not she’ll have ice cream after dinner.


And then I think about our good God, who cares so deeply for us. We are his precious kids. We don’t have to worry like we do. He’s our Dad. He’s taking care of us, looking out for us, providing for us. Just as I’ve stocked our freezer with as much as I could grab at the grocery store and they never question whether or not they are going to eat, God has storehouses of provision for us - in our work, our relationships, in our literal pantries. We can lay down and sleep hard at night just like my kids do without worry. He’s got it all covered.

Lord give me the faith like my kiddos, their care free love and trust in a world that has everything taken care of, because we are your kiddos, and you are the best Dad we could imagine.