112 - Book | Atomic Habits

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Welcome to the Nancy Ray Book Club, where once a month I share a summary of a book worth reading, and my top three takeaways from that book. You can join in on this book club at any point by heading over to nancyray.com/bookclub.

Now this month's book is Atomic Habits, by James Clear. It has been highly recommended to me for such a long time, and I've got to say, it's lived up to its hype. I really, really enjoyed it. It was hard to narrow down my takeaways, whether we like to admit it or not, we all have habits, good or bad, we all have habits. And sometimes we're aware of these habits, but sometimes they're such a normal part of our lives that we're not even aware that we have this habit.

This book allowed me to take a step back, kind of look at my life and analyze the things that I do, my habits: things I do every day, and more than just that it taught me how to maximize the good habits, even create new good habits and minimize my bad habits--something I think we could all benefit from doing on a regular basis.

One more thing I wanted to add before we jump into this episode is that next month, the whole month of may is May is for Mamas. That's where I dedicate every episode to all the mamas out there listening. I'm really excited for what's to come. I also wanted to give you a heads up that my Legacy Photo System course is going on sale. So make sure you listen to the end of this episode, to get all the details!


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