137 - Finish Strong

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I have three quick things for you before I dive into a very brief, but hopefully very encouraging episode for you today. First, would you head to nancyray.com/survey to help me make this podcast even better for you next year? Listen, I choose the episode content based on three things:

1) what I believe God wants me to say,
2) what I'm learning, and
3) what you want me to talk about.

And since I'm off social media and can't ask you there, this is the way I'm able to ask you, what do you want me to talk about next year? So I would love for you to head here to let me know.

And I appreciate it so, so much. It should only take a minute, it's just a couple of questions and thank you in advance for doing that.

Second, the Contentment Challenge is starting again on January 10th! Head to nancyray.com/contentmentchallenge to learn more and sign up if you want to be part of that.

And the third thing is my book club. You can see the books I'm reading for 2022, and you can join in with me on some of them or all of them or none of them, or you can just see what I'm reading next year if you want. Whatever you want to do, it’s very casual, but you can head to nancyray.com/bookclub to check that out.

And now for the shortest podcast episode of 2021, I hope this encourages you and is just what you need today.

For the full episode, hit play above or read through it below.

This has become somewhat of a tradition on this podcast. And today I'm going to read to you an email that I send to everyone in my email list every single December, it's the same email over and over. It's very short, but every time I do, I just get such great feedback.

I've even had people say they've cried when they've read this email or just "thank you, this reminder is exactly what I needed." And so I figured reading it to you and speaking it over you hopefully would be encouraging to you as well. (Side note, you can always go to nancyray.com/emails if you want to be added to my email list.) Okay, I think we need this this year. Here it goes.

Don't stop. Keep going. You are almost there. Finish every project, set up your email auto-responder, follow through on all the little things until your work is done. Clean out your inbox, tie up all those loose ends. Don't give up on 2021 before it's over. It is not over yet.

And don't start looking ahead to 2022 too soon, because you might miss the gifts right in front of you. Listen, I'm a goal setter and planner by nature, so I'm telling you the same things I'm telling myself today. Finish 2021 strong don't rush it. As crazy as it has been, it has been a gift. Be thorough with these final days.

Savor every moment of this beautiful candle-lit song-filled cinnamon-tasting season. Finish your work and then be with your family. 2022 will come soon enough.

Thank you so much for listening to episode 137–and don't forget about the survey! I really would appreciate it if you took a second and filled it out, head to nancyray.com/survey, and I promise to read every single response and suggestion for the episodes next year. The survey will be live until the end of the year, and I'm so grateful for your feedback and suggestions, and I'm really hoping to shape the content of this podcast with you.

But for now, as I said today, let's turn our eyes to 2021 and give it our all. Finish strong, friend.

Thanks for listening, and I'll see you next time.

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