Posts tagged Overwhelm
106 - Email Ninja

While I was running my photography business and my team, we had to get an email system in place and I turned my inbox into a little game. Over the years I have put a lot of disciplines into place and match that up with this little game that I play and all of that has really helped me to get control over it and not feel as overwhelmed, but instead, feel more like an #EmailNinja.

Today, I'm going to teach you how to be an Email Ninja, too.

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102 - Eliminating Decision Fatigue

When we feel overloaded by too many decisions, our ability to make good, clear decisions decreases, which is called “decision fatigue”: basically we just get so tired of making so many decisions. It doesn't matter how strong or smart you are. Your brain just says “I'm done today.”

I want to ask you simple question and let you in on a few ways that I'm trying to actively eliminate decision fatigue In my own life.

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028 - The 3 Priorities Exercise

The older I get, the more I'm discovering that the most life-changing things are actually quite simple, and that's true for the three priorities exercise. Whether you are a CEO of a large company or a stay-at-home mom, this exercise will give you clarity at the beginning of your day and fulfillment at the end of your day. 

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