Posts in Goals
October 2012 Goals

Well, I do believe September was the fastest month of my life. Anyone else?  Regardless, I am so happy to see October. The beautiful month that truly ushers in the season of Autumn with its cool weather and mulling spices and pumpkins and fireplaces. (Will has finally agreed to turn on the gas logs!) The month where I am home.

I am ready for this.

I have also rolled up my sleeves in preparation for the busiest season of the year. (8 weddings in 6 weeks? Bring it!) Time to work hard so I can play hard over the holidays. I’m so grateful for what’s to come these next few months.

My goals this month are centered on staying healthy and accomplishing my work to the very best of my ability, while enjoying this beautiful weather! Who’s with me?

October Goals

  • 12 in 12: Read It Starts with Food

  • Run my fastest 10k

  • Begin biking regularly on the greenway

  • Knock 5 of my 8 weddings out of the park!

  • Finish my Christmas shopping

What are your goals for October? Comment below!
*Photo taken in the Apple Orchard on our trip to Connecticut. Isn’t it the perfect picture of fall? 

September 2012 Goals

Two weeks from now I will be picking apples in an orchard in Connecticut, and I could NOT be more excited. I am thrilled that it is September for many reasons, (i.e.: the beginning of my favorite season, scarves, boots, pumpkin spice lattes, etc.), but I’m mostly excited to explore New England with my best friend. Will and I will be celebrating the wedding of some dear friends of ours, and we have built a wonderful vacation around their wedding. It’s the first non-work related trip we have taken since our honeymoon, and we have definitely made the most of it! (Stay tuned: I will definitely blogging throughout the trip with updates & photos.) With this trip in mind, my September will look something like this:

Week 1 & Week 2: Workaholic-style craziness and vacation prep
Week 3: Vacation!!!
Week 4: Emails, emails, and more emails

Although my autumn season is just as busy as the spring (as far weddings/work goes), I am grateful to be making time for just us. It’s incredibly important re-charge and do things together that strengthen our marriage, especially since Will and I both have such busy jobs. I know we will never forget this trip! It will take more intentional focus to accomplish these September goals, but I’m determined to make the most of this season. Here they are!

GoalsNancy RayGoalsComment
Half Marathon & July 2012 Goals

I did it! I accomplished one of my biggest goals for 2012. I ran a half marathon!

[Above] Coach Bob & I running the race. Photo taken on mile 6
[Below] My biggest fan & supporter, hydrating me at the halfway mark

Victory! The last 3 miles were the toughest, but I was definitely all smiles when I saw the finish line!

To the sweetest team of supporters, encouragers, sign-makers, and friends – I love you. Thank you for helping me accomplish my goals; I could NOT have done it without you!

 From a girl who has never been athletic in her life, this was a big deal for me. If you are considering training for a half, you can do it. I promise you can. I still can hardly believe I did it! It takes time commitment, hard work, perseverance, and dedication, but it’s worth it! I’m not sure what’s next for me, but I can tell you this – I’m never going to stop running. I love it.

August Goals

  • Continue 12 in 12: Read John Adams in preparation for our trip to Boston next month (!)

  • Finalize all vacation plans

  • Clean out / simplify / paint master closet

  • Decide on my next race