Here we are! Half of the year is done. It’s time to stop and re-evaluate my 2014 goals from January 1st. Here’s an update on how I’m doing! I’ve crossed off the goals I’ve completed, and I’m giving updates on all the rest. Honesty is tough sometimes but necessary nonetheless!
Read 20 books – on track! I’ve read 8 so far. I’ll need to step it up a bit to reach 20, but I’m thankful that several books to come are novels, and they will be read much more quickly!
Write letters to our 3 sponsored kids monthly – Sad to say, I’m not doing so great writing these letters. I think I put too much pressure on myself to write the perfect words! I need to remember they are kids, and they’ll enjoy something sweet and simple. Excited to actually meet one of our sponsored kids in Nicaragua later this month! I think that will definitely give me the inspiration I need.
Make the art and organization of my home purposeful and meaningful – I re-hung our gallery wall, got a custom dining room table, updated photos in frames. Next up: clean out table linens (to fit our new table), finish purchasing chairs to go along with our beautiful table, organize our books on our ladder shelves. Coming along!
Complete a triathlon – Well, friends, my ankle has taken me 3x as long as expected to heal. July 4th will be my 1 year anniversary from my injury, and I’m still not 100%. I’m hoping to complete a sprint triathlon late summer/early fall, depending on my flexibility/swelling/pain.
Declutter every space in my home and studio – HA! Nope. The clutter has to go, y’all.
Memorize a verse each month and truly meditate on it. – I’ve memorized a few verses this year, but not monthly. Looking forward to incorporating this into my monthly goals.
Run a half marathon (I’ll be starting from scratch, friends. Let me know if you want to join me from the ground up!) – Ok friends, I’m planning on running the City of Oaks Half Marathon, and my training starts NOW. However, I’ve learned that my training will be slow going because of my ankle, and I might not be able to race at all, depending on how it heals. I am hoping hoping hoping it will cooperate! If you want to join me, email me!
Eat desserts 2x-3x week (not daily. desserts are meant to be special!) – I’ve done a great job at this all year… except the month of June. Getting back on this train!
Fast from social media 2 days/week. – My favorite 2 days every week. I love it.
Embrace clipless petals on my road bike. I can do this! (scared!) – Planning on September, ankle-dependent.
Have an intentional, guiltless Sabbath once a week. – I think I’ve only missed a week or two this year. HUGE improvement for me!
Go camping in Boone with friends Went camping in June!
Read the entire Bible with Will – Halfway done!
Simplify and streamline the organization and workflow of my business (I’m looking at you ShootQ & Drobo!)
Implement business structure given in The Advantage – Plan to re-read and implement this fall.
Shoot in film – all year long!
Take our boat out and go water skiing at least 5 times this summer – 3 down, 2 to go
Photograph less weddings as Callie and Elizabeth photograph more
Host a workshop, mentor photographers, & speak more in general. (After Making Things Happen and my Influence-net talk, I have learned I really love teaching. A lot.) – Praying about a workshop. Speaking much more and mentoring photographers much more as well!
Do the hard work to correct my posture. This includes a personal trainer + chiropractic care + daily exercises at home. – Had a strong start to the year, but haven’t been consistent these past few months. Stepping it up with my personal trainer.
Plan a vacation to the Beaufort house Spending July 4th here with family!
Continue to learn to play the guitar and fill in at youth group when I can – Planning on playing in Nicaragua at the end of this month. Nervous and excited!
Well, that just felt really good and really bad.
Really good, because I feel renewed to focus on some big picture things in my life that I’ve clearly put on the back burner: de-cluttering my home, implementing The Advantage in my business, achieving fitness goals and races.
Really bad, because I can see how I’ve really fallen off the bandwagon in some areas: not writing letters, not correcting my posture, not planning to clean out and declutter like I should.
The good news? It’s the beginning of a new month, and we still have HALF the year left! With that in mind, let’s focus on JULY. What can I do this month to start tackling these unfinished goals?
July Goals
Read 20 in 12: The Storyteller, Smart Money Smart Kids, The Advantage (again)
NRP mission statement: finalize and print for the studio
Declutter laptop photos
Finish an Artifact Uprising book for our first 5 years of marriage
Declutter File System on my computers
Go to Nicaragua on a Missions Trip
Purchase dining room chairs
Clean out/giveaway old table linens
Write 1 short letter to each of our sponsored kids and mail by 7/10
Write out triathlon training plan