Posts in Goals
February 2017 Goals

This February, my word is “prepare.”

I want to prepare for a new 2017 team (new studio assistant + 3 new interns), prepare for upcoming courses I’ll be launching on Film Photography and Team building (follow @nancyray to stay in the loop!), I want to prepare for romance and a healthy marriage by spending intentional time with Will, I want to prepare my heart for the rest of this year during the Faith Retreat, I want to prepare my body by training for a 10K, I want to prepare and plan for lots of Milly and Mama time, and I want to prepare our home by having it cleaned decorating it afresh.

Preparation = anticipation, and I’m anticipating lots of wonderful things in life and business this year. February, you’re gonna be good.

February Goals

  • Finish reading Boundaries with Kids

  • Read the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team

  • Interview and Hire 3 Interns

  • Host our first ever NRP Team Retreat

  • Finish our Studio Refresh, so our new Studio assistant has a ready workspace!

  • Send birthday cards to family members (I’m really bad at this usually!)

  • Lead + attend a wonderful Faith Retreat 2.0

  • Take a load of stuff to donate to With Love from Jesus

  • Train for a 10K

  • Have library time at least twice with Milly

GoalsNancy RayGoalsComment
2017 Goals

Well friends, this is it!

Your NEW page!

Your fresh start!

It’s God’s gift to you: a brand new year, waiting for YOU to fill its hours and days and weeks and months!!!

This day never loses its freshness to me. “His mercies are new every morning,” but I feel like they are especially new on January 1st. God set rhythms and calendars into place for a reason. He gave us weeks to live by, months, seasons and years… all to mark our time, to look back, and to look forward. And it’s SO good to do just that.

I’m going to begin this post by recapping my 2016 goals, and then I’m going to give you the two MOST important steps you can take in preparing your goals for 2017, ending with my 2017 goals. Ready?

2016 Goals: A Recap

CHECK = I completed my goal!
GOAL CHANGE = I changed the original goal to work better for me
** = Incomplete

– Launch the Nancy Ray Online Shop this spring CHECK
– Re-read my 12 most life-changing books CHECK
– Read 4 new books CHECK
– Host the Nancy Ray Book Club CHECK
– Run a 10K CHECK
– Run a Half Marathon (hopefully with my sister and the NRP team!) CHECK
– Have weekly family Sabbaths CHECK (there may have been a few missed weeks here, but overall I feel very good about this one!)
– Have family dinners twice a week**
– Raise $30,000 for ministry** I gave it my all and raised
$10,373 !
– Implement 12 “Duty Days” in 2016 – 1 per month (thanks Katelyn for this helpful blogpost!) GOAL CHANGE: I turned my “duty days” into weekly to dos which worked better with my scorecard system!
– Save $30,000 for a new home CHECK
– 12 month marketing plan CHECK
– Write Contentment Challenge E-book CHECK
– Memorize monthly Bible verse (write on our chalk wall)**
– Take my team members to lunch each quarter** (I did this the first quarter only)
– Finish Milly’s Baby book by her 1st birthday CHECK
– Hire a Nanny CHECK
– Create new promo films for NRP CHECK:
Watch it here!
– Revise business mission + policies CHECK
– Revisit family photography CHECK
– Celebrate my 30th birthday by doing something fun CHECK
– Attend 6 C12 Groups CHECK
– Continue church Connect Group involvement CHECK
– Join the Worship Team CHECK
– 1 Sugar fast each quarter**
– Implement Pay for Performance Sheets CHECK
– Complete another Contentment Challenge CHECK
– Introduce accountability aspect to Weekly NRP Team Meetings CHECK
– Plan a family vacation CHECK

Of the 29 goals I set for 2016, I didn’t reach 5 of them, and I only changed 1. That’s pretty strong! To honestly assess where things went wrong with the ones I didn’t reach, I either got lazy (sugar fast and scripture memorization), busy (didn’t take my team members out to lunch like I should have, family dinners 2x week), or I gave it my all and still came up short (raising $30K for a ministry).

For the ones I DID reach, I will say this: It took a lot of planning every single week. It took a lot of self discipline to train for a half marathon and complete another contentment challenge and launch an online shop. It took commitment to join our worship team and the ability to have hard, good conversations about things that needed to change. Most of all, it took prioritization and planning.

Take some time and assess your 2016 if you haven’t already. Ask yourself: what happened? Where did things go wrong? What did I do right?

So if you haven’t yet, grab a posterboard, or your Powersheets (highly recommend), or just a blank sheet of computer paper and a sharpie!

Because here is the very first most important step that CANNOT be skipped:

1. You MUST write your goals down.

And the next MOST important step in seeing your goals come to life?

2. You MUST review them regularly

That’s why I post my goals monthly, and review them (most of the time) weekly. If I don’t, they never come to fruition. It really is as simple as that.

Want a few other encouraging and practical goal setting tips and tricks? Read below:

Setting Goals according to Life Categories
On Not Reaching Goals
Setting Goals as a new Mama

This year I prayerfully took time to go through my Powersheets, and I came up with the following 10 Goals. The first 5 are personal, the second 5 are work related. You’ll also see that they aren’t super specific, but they are broad, big picture goals with a strong WHY behind each one. I’ll break them down into a master list, to make them a bit easier to tackle.

2017 GOALS


1. Care for my body well through running, strength training, yoga and healthy eating.

2. Capture and document my family legacy by completing 2014, 2015, and 2016 albums and taking 1 roll of personal film each month.

3. Invest intentional time in my marriage and family by dating Will regularly, and creating a new “Milly afternoon routine” as soon as I get off work at 4 each day.

4. Deepen my spiritual walk through 10 minutes of daily prayer time and an afternoon “daily office” with regular meditation.

5. Read 12 books for self improvement and leisure.


6. Delegate and elevate by hiring a part time studio assistant and adding a 3rd intern in the summer.

7. Successfully launch an online course (all on shooting in film!)

8. Work 3 days a week by the fall (Nov 1.)

9. Update the #nrpstudio space.

10. Invest in the NRP team and their spouses through one on one training, dinners and lunches.


I love that there are 10 goals this year. 10! But those 10 big pictures goals need to be broken down so I can actually set something measurable and achievable. Here is my bullet point list of goals for 2017:

Goal # 1: Care for my body well
– Run 3 10K’s
– Adopt a lifting / strength training weekly routine by February
– Sugar fast in January
– Once a month yoga (10-12 for the year)

Goal #2: Capture and Document my family legacy
– Complete 2014, 2015, and 2016 family yearbook Artifact Uprising albums
– Take 1 roll of personal film each month

Goal #3: Invest intentional time in my marriage and family
– Go on a Date with Will 1-2x month
– Create a new afternoon Milly Routine as soon as I get off work from 4-5 each day

Goal #4: Deepen my spiritual walk
– 10 minutes of daily prayer time and
– Afternoon “daily office” with regular meditation at least 4 days / week

Goal #5: Read 12 Books for self improvement and leisure
– Read 1 book each month

Goal #6: Delegate and Elevate
– Hire a part time studio assistant
– Add a summer intern

Goal #7: Successfully launch an online course
– Finish Filming
– Set up Website
– Market and Launch in May

Goal #8: Work 3 days a week by the fall
– Delegate and train Callie and new hire to take more of my load

Goal #9: Update the #nrpstudio space
– Move Callie out of the closet (ha!)
– Sell and Buy furniture
– Reset Drobo
– Define work spaces for myself, Callie, interns and new hire

Goal #10: Invest in the NRP Team and their spouses
– One on one training
– one on one lunches
– Have each couple over for dinner at some point throughout the year

And last but not least, my JANUARY GOALS for 2017!

  • Complete a 2 week sugar fast

  • Finish Filming for Online Course

  • Go to a Yoga class

  • Read Boundaries with Kids

  • Take 1 roll of personal film

  • Finish 2016 Family Yearbook

  • Go on a date with Will

  • Brainstorm list of ideas for Milly and Mama routine

  • 10 minutes of daily prayer time

  • Afternoon Daily Office 4 days / week

  • Hire studio asssistant

  • Hire interns for 2017

  • Move Callie out of the closet (ha!)

  • Sell and Buy furniture

  • Reset Drobo

  • Define work spaces for myself, Callie, interns and new hire


If there’s anything you take away from my goal setting, I hope you see the power of monthly goal setting. You have 12 opportunities throughout the year to put these goals on the pages of your calendar: 12 months!

January is FULL, y’all. But I’m convinced it’s going to start this year off strong because of all that’s in store!

I’d LOVE to hear from you and your 2017 goals! Please comment with a link below!

December 2016 Goals

Sweet December, I swing my arms wide and fully embrace you.

You are the month I turn 30, the month of twinkle lights and hot drinks and fireplace snuggles, the month of board games and time off and what life is really about, the month of finishing strong and looking back and planning ahead, the month of baking and feasting and singing, the month of Christmas parties and date nights and reading books to Milly and New Years Eve anticipation and birthday fun…

Every year, you hold my favorite things and my favorite memories.

I have a feeling this year, you’re going to be extra special.

I’ll be 30 on New Year’s Eve, and goodness I am so excited. Not even a little bit sad about it! I love birthdays and milestones, and I’ve been so excited to embrace my 30’s. My 20’s were incredible, and full of hustle and growth and learning and doing. I have so many hopes for my 30’s. More of the same, yet… less. More doing, but I want my doing to translate into teaching, sharing, mentoring. A little less hustle, a little more time with my family. I never want to stop growing, learning, and reading. But I do want to slow down a bit.

More thoughts on my 30’s to come. For now, let’s focus on December! Because I’m not 30 yet!!

December Goals

  • Read the Compound Effect and finish the Nancy Ray Book Club for 2016!

  • Finish Reading The Secrets of Happy Families

  • Host a fun NRP Christmas Dinner / Goal setting night

  • Have a Strategic Planning Day with Will and Callie for NRP

  • Finish all Christmas Shopping by December 10th (Cyber Monday was a little ambitious – but I am close!)

  • Raise 30K for a charity (This freaks me out a little. Still praying on this a LOT.)

  • Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies with Milly

  • Host a Minki Christmas Dinner with a hot chocolate bar and photos

GoalsNancy RayGoalsComment