Happy 2022!
Well, 2021 did not let us off the hook for an easy ending. We’ve all been sick for the last 3 weeks. No Covid, but we’ve had our fair share of congestion, fevers, chills, aches, strep throat (me and Lyndon and Beaufort and Will), and ear infections (3 of the 4 kids). It’s left me feeling like Christmas kicked me around a little, and I’m behind on a lot of dreaming, planning, and prep that’s usually done in December. We’re just now taking down our tree and decor, and we are all slowly climbing out of the trenches of sickness we’ve been in.
So here I sit, January 1st, the day after my birthday, setting my goals and making a plan. And this year, I’m doing it differently.
I kept hearing about the 12 Week Year and decided to pick it up and start reading it in December. As I did, I felt such relief! With a 5 month old who still isn’t sleeping through the night, and me only having 1 month left of my maternity leave / sabbatical, I can ONLY look ahead to the next 12 weeks. Making a plan for much longer feels overwhelming. Much still feels unpredictable, and I’m not sure I’ll want the same things 6 months from now.
So, I’m going to implement a 12 week year, and I’ll do it over and over again this year (with 1 week between each to rest, dream, and reset a little).
This blogpost is going to be short and sweet. I’m going to share my overly-ambitious goals for the next 12 weeks, but I am ready for a challenge. If I don’t do them all, great! But I’m feeling motivated, and there’s something about knowing the finish line is only 12 weeks away that makes it more exciting.
My 12 week year : Part 1
Record 13 new episodes of Work and Play with Nancy Ray
IG: Unfollow 1000+ and post one time a week
Lose 11 pounds with Trim Healthy Mama
Re-take the Blueprint Model
Close up my NRP Website & Blog 😢
Complete The Home Reset (On sale now through January - HIGHLY recommend)
Finish reading the 12 Week Year
Read the Self Driven Child
Complete an 8 week Contentment Challenge
Have you ever tried a 12 week year? Or do you share your goals on your blog? I’d love to read them or your thoughts on my new way of goal setting this year - leave a link or your thoughts in the comments!