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Back to School Rhythms with 4 Kids

One of the things I was MOST nervous about before having our 4th baby was the fact that my due date was 2 weeks before school started! Having a first grader in a University Model School (Milly in class on Mondays and Wednesdays and she homeschools with me Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays), with 2 preschoolers at a different school than Milly, and a newborn baby who needed to eat every 2-3 hours was quite overwhelming to me! While I had a few days of feeling panicked, thinking how in the world am I going to be able to do this, I decided to try to get a game plan of help in place and put in place rhythms that would help me. I listened to this class called the Back to School 3 R’s and it reminded me of practical ways I could train my kiddos to be more responsible and help themselves instead of relying on me for every little thing! Many of my ideas listed below come from that class, and some others are things we’ve just done on our own.

Here are 5 things that have helped this transition back to school run much more smoothly than I even anticipated!

  1. Worship Playlist for our drives
    There is something SO powerful about getting our minds and spirits singing praises on the way to school! It cheers up some of our grumpier mornings and honestly, it helps me get my heart right on hard days too.

  2. Clipboard Checklists
    My girls, ages 6 and 4, each have a morning checklist, afternoon checklist, and evening checklist. They only have to complete them Sundays through Thursdays, and they get a reward at the end of each checklist if the complete everything by the time the timer goes off! I made them in Pages, and I grabbed the icons through Canva.

  3. Time Timer
    I cannot say enough about this timer. It is such a helpful visual for kids who literally have zero concept of time! Before we leave in the morning, I set the timer in front of them, and they know that when it goes off, we hop up and get in the car to leave. Same for before dinner, same for bedtime. THEY are responsible for doing their checklists, and only when they check everything do they get to watch TV, read a book, etc! It helps them understand time and manage it at an early age. It takes a few days of getting used to (and saying “I’m sorry, but you can’t watch TV because the timer just went off!”) but it is so worth it once they catch on!

  4. Weekly Family Meetings
    We are juuuust starting this one. But I can already tell it’s going to be a sweet little rhythm for us. It goes a little something like this:
    - Share encouragement for each member of the family (What do you love about ___? Then we each take a turn sharing uplifting words for that person)
    - Go over weekly schedule
    - Share our feelings (when they get older, we can discuss problems / issues)
    - Pay them for their work / chores
    - End with a game or family activity! (Last week we did the hokey pokey, ha!)

  5. Organized Grandparent/family help for the first 2 months of school
    Asking for help is so hard. SO hard. I want so badly to be able to do everything myself and not feel like an inconvenience. But what I’ve learned is that A) I CANNOT do everything in this season of life and B) the grandparents actually like to help! They just need details, communication, and planning ahead. So I got a game plan / loose schedule outlined before Benji was even born, of pick ups and drop offs for school and preschool in September and October. It has made ALL the difference. Also I know that this won’t last forever - it’s just helping me get on my feet with 4 kids. I’m so blessed to have grandparents who live close and I never, ever want to take that for granted!


Any thing on this list you’d like to try? Also I’d love to hear any rhythms you have for making school transitions more pleasant and fun! Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments!

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July 2020 Goals

There’s a LOT going on in my family in July!!

Going to Beaufort, NC for July 4th with Will’s side of the fam
My Dad turns 70 on July 10th!
My little brother is getting married on July 17th!
My sister is due to have her baby… also on July 17th! (prayyyying I can make it there in time!)
We have a week trip planned to Nashville at the end of the month as well, to visit the new baby!

So my goals are to keep my body healthy, my little family alive and happy, to pack and unpack several times, and to make time move my body, to read, to plan ahead for the next quarter, and get my laptop organized.

Also to eat a million peaches and lots of cold, sweet watermelon and make a blueberry cobbler and homemade icecream!

July Goals

Read The Nightingale
Read Digital Minimalism
Q3 Planning with Sammy Jo
Laptop File Cleanup
Workout 3x a week

Also, I’m super proud of having all of my podcast episodes already recorded and done for this month AS OF THIS MORNING, July 1st. My plan is to rest, to learn a LOT, to teach what I’ve learned, and to plan for Q3. I’m pumped. Here’s what’s comin on the pod:

Ep 70: A recap of Crucial Conversations - an extraordinary book. You’ll want to bookmark this podcast episode to come back to when you need to have a hard conversation. Trust me.

Ep 71: 5 ways to make the most of the rest of your summer

Ep 72: What I’ve recently learned about fear

Ep 73: Rhythms and Mindset with Allie Casazza


Here’s to making the most of this exciting summer month!

Just for fun, (since every blogger sometimes wonders… does anyone still read this thing?) choose one of these 3 Q’s and answer in the comments!

What’s your favorite summer fruit?
Does your family have anything special going on?
Tell me about a favorite July tradition!

Organizing your Photos : My favorite resources

After getting a million questions on instagram, I figured I would compile a list of some of my favorite resources for organizing your photos!

Printed Photos

Photo Boxes from Container Store (Bigso Stockholm office Letter Box) : I love these because they are beautiful colors and lovely to touch! I don’t love using plastic boxes - I like something that feels and looks lovelier than plastic! Something I’m proud to display. (You can find some various colors on Amazon HERE and HERE!)

Mpix : professional quality lab without having to be a professional photographer to make an account. Order standard size prints (4x6, 5x7, etc) and they are delivered to your door.

Artifact Uprising : Where I print my family yearbooks. I cannot say enough good things about this company. I love their mission, their quality, and their heart behind their work! We use the 8.5 x 8.5 for our family yearbooks, always choosing a different color of linen for the cover. I also use this company for printing fun square prints and I’ve had my eye on their new color series photo books and their baby board books.

Parabo Press: Another great place for printing square prints, and I really love their photo displays - especially their wood poster rails and their engineer prints.

Digital Photos

My favorite Hard Drives:
2TB Samsung SSD Portable Hard Drive is my first recommendation, because it’s a solid state drive. It’s a little more expensive, but it’s smaller, more reliable, and lasts longer.
The The Lacie Rugged 2TB is my 2nd recommendation. It’s a traditional hard drive that is shock resistant 🙌🏻, and I love that it’s orange because it’s easy to find! To learn the difference between a Solid State Drive and a Hard Drive, head to my instagram highlight to learn more. (In a nutshell, Solid State drives are made with plates and not coils, they last longer, and they are much more reliable and less likely to break when you drop it!) No matter which one you go with, be sure to check what connection works best for your computer! (USB - C, USB 2.0 or USB 3.0, etc)

Get your Photos off of your Phone Guide - this is a free guide I put together to show you how I get all of my photos off my phone on a regular basis!

Dropbox - This is what I use to back up my photos online. (Disclaimer : I don’t back up ALL of them - I back up the final events. Meaning, my final, favorite, edited photos from events in my life.)

Google Photos App - Install this app to automatically back up the photos on your phone!


Click Below!

What are your favorite resources for organizing your photos? I’d love to hear in the comments!

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