Posts tagged Morning Routine
My Morning Routine
Nancy Ray Morning Routine

To me, this topic never gets old!

I’m learning that morning routines are not a one-size-fits-all recipe, but that they change according to season. That’s a good thing.

Before having kids, my morning routine was tried and true and I never wavered from it. After having my first baby, I quickly realized that I didn’t know morning from night, and there was no routine other than “eat, wake, sleep” around the clock. I deeply missed my morning routine, but the Lord taught me all about abiding in Him throughout my day - a lesson even more important than sticking to my routine. (Maybe another blogpost for another day!)

I’m sure my routine will continue to change according to season - when all my kids go to elementary, middle, and high school, and when we are empty nesters one day. But I know I’ll keep coming back to it. It anchors my spirit, soul and body in such a wonderful way!

Know this: wherever you are in life, create a morning routine that works for YOU.

I love these words from Essentialism: “Highly creative people use strict routines to free up their minds. Most creative individuals find out early what their best rhythms are for sleeping, eating, and working, and abide by them even when it is tempting to do otherwise.... personalizing patterns of action helps to free the mind from the expectations that make demands on attention and allows intense concentration on matters that count.”

Bottom line: routines are LIFEGIVING!

So here’s the deal: I’m currently at home with a newborn baby. My morning routine? Non-existent. BUT, I have decided to share my morning routine I implemented when I was pregnant with two small kiddos, which is a bit more relatable than newborn life, when everything is turned on its head (including night and day).

My Morning Routine

6:00 Alarm goes off

6:05 Light candle, grab favorite blanket, set out journal, Bible, favorite pen and highlighter

6:15 Pour myself a cup of coffee, and sit in silence for 2-5 minutes.

This is my “wake up” time. I sit silently and pray, asking God to speak to me. It helps me not rush into “doing” too much.

6:20 Read Scripture

6:30 Journal favorite scriptures and what God is saying to me

6:45 Pray over my husband, my children, and the appointments and work I have planned for the day

6:55 Look at my schedule / tasks and ask God’s help to prioritize the most important things (Favorite book on this topic: What’s Best Next)

7:00 Read 10 pages from current book

7:15 Get up and get dressed for the day!

A few things that really help my morning routine succeed:

• I make coffee the night before and set it to brew a few minutes before I wake up. It is such a time saver and also makes me excited to get out of the bed - knowing the coffee is waiting for me!

• I also tidy the living room the night before and set out my Bible, Journal, Pens and Blanket in my favorite spot on the couch

• I use this alarm clock to wake me up with a sunrise. This allows me to sleep with a phone in a different room, and I don’t get distracted looking at my phone first thing in the morning.

• I keep a flexible attitude. If Milly wakes up early and snuggles me during this time, I always welcome her with a smile and put my arm around her. Sometimes I’ll stop my routine early, and sometimes I’ll give her a show to watch because mama needs to finish her time with Jesus. I just go with my gut for that day.

• I get in bed at a reasonable time. Otherwise sleep allllways sounds like the better choice!

Cozy Bed Covers

I really have loved learning about how other successful people have a morning routine. Two of my recent favorites have been Michael Hyatt and Allie Cassazza.

Here is what I remember from learning about their morning routines through listening to their podcasts!

Michael Hyatt’s morning routine

  • Wake up

  • Make a quick cup of coffee

  • Sit on the couch while listening to the sound of the ocean for 15 minutes

  • Pray and read the Bible

  • Exercise (usually a run around the neighborhood)

  • Shower

  • Eat breakfast

  • Get dressed

  • Begin working

Allie Casazza’s morning routine

  • Wake Up

  • Sit on the ground and drink a cup of coffee

  • Walk around the room and pray for her day and her family

  • Journal 3 pages (1 page of gratitude)

  • Read a chapter in a book

So, I’d love to hear: What are your favorite morning routine habits? Do you have a morning routine, or would you like to start one?

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