Posts in Goals
July 2018 Goals

Well goodness! We are all moved into our new home, our new studio, we celebrated our 10th anniversary, and the news about baby # 3 is finally out. I’m feeling like I’ve crossed to another side of life, and I’m feeling really great! The first half of 2018 was really working towards this past week, and now I’m here. But what I’m realizing is: there’s a lot of work left to be done! So here’s to really making intentional decisions and enjoying this side of 2018!

  • Read Lioness Arising and finish 2 Second Lean Audio Book (For the Nancy Ray Book Clubbers… remember we swapped the order around! This month is Lioness Arising, next is Deep work)

  • Finish ordering all furniture + Hang all photos in our home

  • Write in Pregnancy Journal (it’s so much harder with 2 kids and the 3rd baby!)

  • Run 2x/week

  • Put our townhome on the market

June 2018 Goals

This month: WE MOVE!

I literally cannot believe this is happening. This week, we move the studio first. We’ll have everything up and running, and then we move into our house next week! I’ve wanted to share so much about this journey, and what I’ve found is this:

There is just SO much to do. Between making all the decisions and running this business in the height of wedding season and re-launching a course and being a mama of two beautiful, lively girls… sharing this journey along the way has been a challenge. But here’s how I’m feeling TODAY:

• In awe God’s goodness. I don’t feel like I deserve this, and the truth is – I don’t. It’s God’s grace and I’m incredibly grateful.
• I don’t feel cool enough to have all the fancy appliances and countertops that I’m getting. I think I might cry every day when we move in… in the best way.
• Overwhelmed at the amount of packing we still have left. There’s just so much.
• I feel like I never want to forget this season I’m in. The tight squeeze of this townhouse that we have loved and lived to the full. The sacrifice it took to pay off this house. All the “no’s” or “not yets” that are now turning into “yeses”… I don’t want to lose touch with this beautiful season. It has been so good and so beautiful.

And in addition to moving, there’s Father’s Day as well as our 10th ANNIVERSARY this month! And we still haven’t been strawberry picking because of our busy weekends and all the rain, so I’m hoping we’re not too late!

June 2018 Goals

  • Finish Packing current house

  • Order all appliances, fixtures, furniture, etc

  • Plan a “Pray over our house” night before we move

  • MOVE into the new house

  • Go Strawberry Picking

  • Celebrate Will on Father’s Day

  • Celebrate our 10th Anniversary !!!

  • Re-listen to 2 Second Lean (It’s a free audiobook!)

What is one of your favorite goals for June? Leave them in the comments!

May 2018 Goals

If I’m honest, I’m in the thick of it over here. It’s been weekend after weekend of weddings and more weddings, a marriage retreat, and we just spent our first weekend at home in what feels like forever. It’s easy to not even want to set goals – but to just survive and get through. But that’s when I know it’s even more important to set goals, so that the important stuff doesn’t fall to the wayside.

When I think about May, I think about my sweet Milly who is about to turn 3, picking strawberries as a family (my favorite mother’s day tradition), the pool opening in our neighborhood, and evening walks as a family.

But if I don’t prioritize those things, my work and household stuff just seems to take over. Which is NOT okay!

So here are my goals for May. Simple, thoughtful, and good:

Here’s to prioritizing THE most important.