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Covid Part 5: My children have no idea.

Covid Part 5: My children have no idea.

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They are 4, 2 and 1. We tried to explain to the 4 year old what the Coronavirus is, and she just looks at us confused. We say it’s like the flu, and we’re staying safe so no one else gets sick. And she usually responds by asking a question about the food she’s eating or she makes a silly face.

They are oblivious, and I am honestly real thankful. I’m thankful I can provide them a home that is safe and free of worry. That right now her biggest concern is whether or not she’ll have ice cream after dinner.


And then I think about our good God, who cares so deeply for us. We are his precious kids. We don’t have to worry like we do. He’s our Dad. He’s taking care of us, looking out for us, providing for us. Just as I’ve stocked our freezer with as much as I could grab at the grocery store and they never question whether or not they are going to eat, God has storehouses of provision for us - in our work, our relationships, in our literal pantries. We can lay down and sleep hard at night just like my kids do without worry. He’s got it all covered.

Lord give me the faith like my kiddos, their care free love and trust in a world that has everything taken care of, because we are your kiddos, and you are the best Dad we could imagine.

Covid Part 4: Economic books will, from now on, have an entire section on the Coronavirus crisis.

Covid Part 4: Economic books will, from now on, have an entire section on the Covid 19 crisis.

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That’s insane. We are living in this thing. Right now. The effect this mandatory cancellation of events and closing of schools is having isn’t something we’ve ever seen before. And it’s not just the US : this is a global economic crisis. It’s everywhere. The same thing is happening all over the place. It’s bananas.

Will and I keep processing things in our discussions before the kids go to bed. The stock market is has plummeted, dear friends are being forced to shut their businesses and fire people (which is the absolute worst thing as a business owner), mamas I know who depend on school and are working from home are now full time care givers and trying to run their businesses. It is affecting everyones money in one way or another.  It’s wild. 

And who is to say that all of this isn’t worth doing? The value of human life far surpasses the health of global economics, and I think civil society is doing a pretty great job so far tolerating all these changes. But there will be other consequences of all this down the road as the story continues to be told. And we just have to wait and see. No one really knows what will unfold.

I don’t have any smart financial things to say about this other than, I hope we take the time to learn lessons from it. This will be extremely costly and damaging to our economy, and the rampant fear is going to keep people from going out and spending their normal dollars once the shelter in place mandates pass. We have a long road ahead of us, I think.

BUT. We will continue to wait, continue to trust our God who is still in control, and continue to look to Him as our Provider.

And PS, this is a really, really great time to invest your money! The stock market is on sale, and it will come back up again one day. Just sayin’. If you’re not the investing-type, now is your time.

Covid Part 2: Opportunity is everywhere, if you have eyes for it.

Covid Part 2: Opportunity is everywhere, if you have eyes for it.

A local restaurateur that’s a dear friend of ours was forced to shut the doors of his business. He also works with events with his catering business, and all events have been canceled. In a moment, his revenue went to nothing. He was forced to fire several people - faithful, hardworking people - and he didn't want to. He loves his employees. So, he started brainstorming. He found the opportunity in what was originally a tragedy. He asked a few of his employees to begin making a meal pack for $60 available for pickup. And $10 of every order would be donated to making meals for people who didn’t have the means to buy them.

Boom. He’s back in business. 

(Not at the revenue he was, I’m sure, and not with as many employees, but he saw a need and decided to meet it, and he’s providing work for his employees and food for the community. Mad respect for people like him.)

My favorite thing about this horrible thing is that humankind will always find the opportunity. I have been keeping an eye out for businesses and people who have really been hurting, but who have somehow managed to flip the script and make the most of this whole close-your-business-and-distance-yourself thing.

Some examples I’ve seen: a ton of apps and businesses offering free services for work-from-home creatives. The peleton at home fitness app offering a free 90 day trial for their at home works outs (I def signed up for that!), Adobe Creative Cloud extended free trial, Starbucks keeping the world caffeinated by continuing to offer pick up only orders and meeting you at the door, Chipotle offering free home deliveries everywhere, and one restaurant, I kid you not, offering a free roll of toilet paper with every meal ordered! It’s amazing and brilliant to see businesses be so generous and smart, and I love it.

My husband Will works with business owners every day as his job, and he looked at me and said, “Someone somewhere is going to make a ton of money during this.” It’s true. That person is the one looking for the opportunity in it all, because it’s there. We just have to look for it. 

So that’s my encouragement to you today. Look for the opportunity. Sometimes, our darkest moments allow for our brightest ideas. This is the time to try something crazy. To do something new. And if nothing else, keep your eyes opened to those who are finding the opportunities around you. It’ll make you smile big if you have eyes for it. 

PS. If you live near Durham / North Raleigh, you can support Southern Harvest and have a DELICIOUS meal made for you, while also helping a family in need by visiting their website and reserving your meal for the following day.