Posts in Work
My Goal Setting Ritual

Every year in December, I plan a time to get away, pray over the following year, and set goals. Some years I have super clarity on what I want to do, and other years I’m confused and don’t know where to start. BUT, when I follow this plan, I always walk away with more clarity than if I hadn’t done anything at all.

As a mama, the first key to this is to PLAN AHEAD! Plan an afternoon or evening to myself. I schedule it in the calendar ahead of time and ask Will to watch the girls.

Then, I buy all the Goal Setting Things:

Step 1: I work through my Powersheets the month of December

One thing I’ve learned about Powersheets over the years: they take time, and I am impatient. They are amazing because they are very thorough, but goodness I like to get going much faster and sometimes I’ll skip doing the work if I don’t plan for the time to do it. So, in the beginning of December, I begin working through the Prep Work of Powersheets as part of my morning routine or in the evenings before I go to bed.

Step 2: The White Board Brainstorm

This part is so fun for me! I get a big white poster board (less than $2), a fat Sharpie, and I write 2019 at the top of it. During naptime one afternoon, I brainstorm all kinds of ideas for the year. I try to hit all the major categories: work, health, relationships, etc. Here’s what one looked like for me a few years back!


After I complete my brainstorm, I take a picture of it so I can have it on my phone to reference for the next step.

Step 3: An Afternoon Away for Mama

This is the final step in my yearly goal setting tradition. I love getting away to a coffee shop - preferably one that is less busy where I won’t be interrupted. Then I finish and finalize my Powersheets, referencing the photo of my White Poster Board the whole time. Once they are finalized, I blog them here to share for accountability! And because I love reading other people’s goals, too!

Do you have a yearly goal setting ritual?

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Goal Setting Ritual
Top 5 Books of 2018

Every year I endeavor to read 12 books - 1 book a month. I’m not the fastest or best reader, and with two little ones it’s definitely a challenge to read! But it’s always, always worth it! After reading 10 books this year (I don’t think I’ll make it to my 11th or 12th with this baby), I’ve come away with my Top 5… and they are GOOD.

Let me just say - every one of these books changed my life. I don’t say that lightly. I highly, highly recommend each one! Here’s a brief synopsis of why I loved them (and why you should totally buy them and read them if you haven’t)!

A Simplified Life - This is THE perfect January reading. I’ve found myself referring back to it so many times. If you are anything like me, you need a pep talk before decluttering or cleaning out. This is the best, warmest, no-nonsense pep talk you can get. And the best part? It’s got beautiful colorful pages of images, pages that you WRITE on and interact with, and a realistic approach to simplicity. Not to mention, it’s written by my dear friend Emily Ley, who is just a gem. And photographed by my dear friend Gina Zeidler, who is incredible. Bonus: it’s an easy read!

Techwise Family - A short, powerful read. Goodness this book was so eye opening, and I cried my eyes out in the last chapter. Andy Crouch shares that Technology is a good thing when it’s kept in its proper place. In the day and age we live in, technology can quickly take over in unhealthy ways. He lays out his family’s 10 commitments regarding technology, many of which we’ve embraced in our family. It also has some of the best paragraphs I’ve ever read regarding pornography - a scary but necessary topic for every family. I’ll be re-reading this one several times in the coming years!

The Road Back to You - This one is alllll about the Enneagram! If you haven’t heard of the enneagram, you’re dead to me. Okay okay that was harsh and not true… but you should start researching it! This book is an awesome place to start. More than taking an online test, this book helped me understand my number and my husband’s number. Plus, his style of writing had me hooked 2 pages in!

Deep Work - This is a great kick in the pants book! It’ll make you think deeply about how to get work DONE. And the why behind our work. In one part of the book, Newport talks about how many people think we are happiest when we are at leisure, but how that’s actually not true. Us humans are most fulfilled when we are producing things that matter, “deep work” as he calls it. “Deep work is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. It's a skill that allows you to quickly master complicated information and produce better results in less time.” I have to say - I love the days where I feel like I’ve truly produced something, you know? As soon as I finished this book, my work days changed for the better.

God and Money - Buckle up for this one. It’ll change your perspective in the best possible way about money! Here’s the deal: our money has a purpose wayyyyy bigger than our security, our pleasure, our provision. Those things are good and right, but our money is also meant for the kingdom! Favorite things about this book: It’s super scripture heavy. It’s incredibly practical (they include real life examples, testimonies, and numbers). And I also cried at the epilogue when the authors explained how writing this book wrecked their lives for the kingdom in the best way.

What were your favorite reads of 2018?

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Top 5 Books 2018

A Giveaway to Celebrate!

What better way to celebrate the launch of this new site than giving some of my favorite things away, just in time for Christmas?!


  • Follow me @nancyray + share this giveaway on your Insta story or feed + tag me! (you can screenshot my Instastory or this website!)

  • Leave a comment on this blogpost sharing 1 thing you’d love to hear me share about on this blog.

There will be 6 WINNERS announced this Friday (Nov. 30th) at Noon on my Instagram!

Nancy Ray Brand Giveaway.jpg


  • Scripture Print (18x24) of your choice from All Good Things Co

  • All is Well - my fav Nellie Taft Shirt

  • Write the Word Journal COLLECTION by Cultivate! (Perfect for you and your friends / sisters this Christmas!)

  • The Creatives Calendar by The Art Bar Co (The Muse)

  • How to Organize and Enjoy your Personal Photos Guide (A PDF by yours truly!)

  • All 6 Books for the 2019 Nancy Ray Book Club

I firmly believe the most fun you’ll ever have in life is when you GIVE. It’s one of my favorite things to do in my business! I’m SO glad you are here, so this is just my way of saying thank you.

Be sure to check back in weekly for updated resources and blogposts! Yes, I’m about to have a baby (I’m due in 11 days!), but I’ve also written and scheduled out some amazing resources to keep you occupied over the next 3 months. So don’t be a stranger! Good things are coming!