Posts tagged Nancy Ray Fun Fridays
Fun Friday: Jess Ray's new album
Jess Ray Parallels and Meridians.jpg

My current obsession: Jess Ray’s latest album.

I’m going to come clean right away:

Yes, this crazy talent is my husband’s little sister. Yes, she’s the auntie to my kiddos, she was a bridesmaid in my wedding, and she will forever be one of my very best friends (and favorite humans) in the world.

But EVEN IF SHE WASN’T, I’d still be crazy about her music. I’d listen to it on repeat (as I do), I’d sing her songs to my kids every night (dimensions from her last album is Milly’s favorite), and I’d cry my eyes out every time I hear a new song. Heck, I cry year round at her songs.

Like just the other day when I was sick and exhausted and sleep deprived, just barely holding it together. As I drove home from preschool the song Gallows came on, and these words filled the car and changed my entire outlook for the day:

Someone’s on the prowl, trying to take us down
But we ain’t giving up now
A liar and a thief, coming after you and me
But we ain’t giving up now

The harder the wind will blow, the deeper our roots will go,
And the devil’s gonna hang, oh the devil is gonna hang,
The devil is gonna hang from his own gallows

I just THREW IT BACK IN HIS FACE. Just like Mordecai in the book of Esther, the devil’s gonna hang on his own gallows. He’s going to LOSE this war. We cannot and will not give up.

Again and again I said in the car with tears in my eyes: “the harder the wind will blow, the deeper MY roots will grow.” It gave me the strength to just keep going. And it was probably the 20th time I had heard that song, but this time it hit me with a new anointing.

I’ve had the privilege of having a front row seat to watching Jess become the artist she is today. Her latest album Parallels and Meridians has been on repeat in our home, in my car, and in the studio ever since it was released. I’m actually terribly late in sharing this album with you, because the full album has been out on Spotify for a few weeks now. But I wanted to really learn the songs, and let you know my top three and why I love them so much:

  1. Humble heart - she put into words a theme that God has been teaching me for years - the lower we go, the more humble we become, the more we have to learn from others. Humility is a quality I hope my life is marked by, and is something I want deeply entrenched in our children. This song is a beautiful prayer, and it reminds me to embrace humility every time I listen in.

  2. Morning song - I could pretty much listen to this every single morning. Olivia, who works with me, said she actually played this on youtube every morning before it was released on this album, which made me laugh. She said it’s probably her all time favorite song. For me, this song is so special because it has really ministered to me on really hard days and really good days. The gist: I don’t want to do this day without the Lord. “I love you, and I want to love you more than the day before.”

  3. Did not our hearts burn - Jess’s testimony in a song. How she prayed a prayer when she was little, then re-aquainted with the Lord at a conference when she was a teenager, then began to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and understand how personal and powerful walking with Him can be. Just so beautifully written. Just as the disciples said, “Did not our hearts burn within us?” when they were walking back wtih Jesus, Jess tells the story of her own life, saying “Did not our hearts burn inside our chests” when we encounter God at different times in our lives. Just beautiful.

TBH, I think my favorite songs on this album change week to week. So be sure to give the whole album a listen because every song is just that good.

And Jess, if you read this, I love you. I seriously cannot wait to see where the Lord takes you. No matter how big or small your audience becomes, I know Jesus is so pleased with you - and He’s the only audience that really matters.

Beautiful Album Photo by Sarah DeShields

March Goals + Fun Friday: Podcasts I'm Loving

So, February feels like it was the fastest month of my life. Honestly, it was all a bit of a blur, and I’m still getting the hang of this mom-of-3 life. In short, it’s crazy. I’ve been a bit more brave, getting out of the house more and actually handling all 3 kids for preschool pick up and drop off by myself, which is nuts. (One day in the freezing rain. That was fun!)

I’m currently sitting at my kitchen island on February 28, all the windows are open, and the sun is shining outside. It’s exactly what I need today - after a week of freezing rain and waking up with a cold this morning, this sunshine is making me feel so alive today! Lyndon is asleep, Milly is having “quiet time,” and Beaufort is supposed to be sleeping, but instead is talking in his crib.

TBH, goals haven’t been high on my priority list these days. Making dinner, changing diapers, and feeding a baby have been. I go back to work in 2 weeks, and I’m trying to soak in every moment of these fleeting days with my sweet babies!

But I will confess: there is ONE goal I’ve been working on behind the scenes through out maternity leave, and I’m pretty excited about it!

a Podcast!

I have spent a lot of time in prayer about this, I’ve been working with my sis-in-law and bro-in-law on the sound and set up, I’ve been scheming with Sammy Jo on content. It’s been in the works since before maternity leave, but it’s been a refreshing project to get me excited to ease back into work! So stay tuned - If you are on my list, you’ll be the very first to know about it!

So as I’ve learned through my last maternity leaves, giving myself a LOT of grace for a “re-entry” into work is essential. With that in mind, here are my goals for this month!

March Goals

And since it is a Fun Friday after all, and since I’m binge listening to podcasts lately, here are 10 great podcasts I’ve been catching these days!

  1. The Next Right Thing // Emily P Freeman (rich content: short and sweet!)

  2. The Purpose Show // Allie Casazza (inspiring for mamas)

  3. Cultivate your Life // Lara Casey (inspiring for LIFE!)

  4. Armchair Expert // Dax Shepherd (completely random, I know! lighthearted and funny—great conversations)

  5. Go and Tell Gals // Jess Connolly (love her heart)

  6. Business Life & Joy // Shunta Grant (practical and refreshing!)

  7. Goal Digger // Jenna Kutcher (great practical content for building an online business)

  8. The Rachel Cruze Show // Rachel Cruze (inspiring finances for your legacy)

  9. The Happy Hour // Jamie Ivey (love her voice! her conversation with Lysa Terkhurst is a must listen to)

  10. Revelation Wellness // Alisa Keeton (so inspiring to run to, to meditate on—perfect for working out as a believer!)

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Fun Friday : Kiddo Favorites These Days
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While I’m in the middle of the Contentment Challenge, I find that refraining from buying all the things makes me appreciate things that I REALLY love and want to own. It makes me super intentional and thoughtful with what I buy.

This time around, I have 3 little ones, and I don’t know about other mamas out there, but I can often get more caught up in buying things for my little ones than I do for myself! So even with the kids, it’s important to be grateful for what you have and intentional in spending choices! Here are some of my favorite things for the kids (both practical and fun) these days:

New Baby:

For the Girls:

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