Organizing your Photos : My favorite resources

After getting a million questions on instagram, I figured I would compile a list of some of my favorite resources for organizing your photos!

Printed Photos

Photo Boxes from Container Store (Bigso Stockholm office Letter Box) : I love these because they are beautiful colors and lovely to touch! I don’t love using plastic boxes - I like something that feels and looks lovelier than plastic! Something I’m proud to display. (You can find some various colors on Amazon HERE and HERE!)

Mpix : professional quality lab without having to be a professional photographer to make an account. Order standard size prints (4x6, 5x7, etc) and they are delivered to your door.

Artifact Uprising : Where I print my family yearbooks. I cannot say enough good things about this company. I love their mission, their quality, and their heart behind their work! We use the 8.5 x 8.5 for our family yearbooks, always choosing a different color of linen for the cover. I also use this company for printing fun square prints and I’ve had my eye on their new color series photo books and their baby board books.

Parabo Press: Another great place for printing square prints, and I really love their photo displays - especially their wood poster rails and their engineer prints.

Digital Photos

My favorite Hard Drives:
2TB Samsung SSD Portable Hard Drive is my first recommendation, because it’s a solid state drive. It’s a little more expensive, but it’s smaller, more reliable, and lasts longer.
The The Lacie Rugged 2TB is my 2nd recommendation. It’s a traditional hard drive that is shock resistant 🙌🏻, and I love that it’s orange because it’s easy to find! To learn the difference between a Solid State Drive and a Hard Drive, head to my instagram highlight to learn more. (In a nutshell, Solid State drives are made with plates and not coils, they last longer, and they are much more reliable and less likely to break when you drop it!) No matter which one you go with, be sure to check what connection works best for your computer! (USB - C, USB 2.0 or USB 3.0, etc)

Get your Photos off of your Phone Guide - this is a free guide I put together to show you how I get all of my photos off my phone on a regular basis!

Dropbox - This is what I use to back up my photos online. (Disclaimer : I don’t back up ALL of them - I back up the final events. Meaning, my final, favorite, edited photos from events in my life.)

Google Photos App - Install this app to automatically back up the photos on your phone!


Click Below!

What are your favorite resources for organizing your photos? I’d love to hear in the comments!

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FREE CLASS: Organize Your Family Photos Once and for All!
Nancy Photo Org. 2020.png

I have this crazy idea.

A lot of us have some extra free time right now that we don't normally have and we don't know what to do with. Now, I know some of you are working a normal schedule, but some of us just have some extra time. For me, I've just been losing hope. When my calendar isn't filled, and I can't plan my summer, and all of my events are canceled, I just start to feel down. It's just weird canceling everything that's been on our calendars all year. It's just a weird time that we're living in.

My crazy idea is this, I want to invite you to take on a project with me. I'll lead you through it, but this project is going to give you purpose and hope. I guarantee you it's a project that you've been needing to do for years, and it's something that you can tackle in this weird season. I feel like if we come out on the other side and you say, "Hey, I've done this thing," you're going to feel really good and really proud of yourself. I'll teach you all about it. I'll lead you through it.

This is it:

Tackling, and organizing your photos!

Yes, the thousands of photos that you have on your phone. The photos that you have strewn all over your home in different boxes, on random hard drives, all of them. I'll walk you through it step by step. I'll give you a game plan moving forward. Sign up for your free spot in my online class where I'm going to teach you all about how to do this on Wednesday, April 15th at 2 PM Eastern!

I will be there live and in person. It might be the most unprofessional janky online class I've ever done because my kids are probably going to be there watching a movie in the background just like you. I think that we're all in this together, so I know you'd have grace for me in that.

I just wanted to give all of us something that we can do that's really worth our time during this weird season, something that can kind of give us hope and purpose.

April Goals
Ray family in Beaufort.JPG

As soon as Will’s work went 100% virtual, we headed to Beaufort, North Carolina. His family owns a home there, and it’s been such a gift to spend a few days in a place that is so quiet and right on the water. We loaded up the kids in kayaks the first day we got here and played in the sand, saw some wild horses, a few jellyfish, and I got sufficiently sunburned. It’s been awesome.

I’m keeping my April Goals simple. Along with the rest of us, I’m now a homeschooling mama and I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew this month. But I will say this:

Choose ONE GOAL. Something that you can do for you during this quarantine. It’s hard to not have a vision for the summer or know what the future holds, but we can do something that is hard and good and fulfilling for our home and family in the meantime.

My goal?

Clean out my photos and finish my baby books. That’s my one goal. It’s a giant project, but I think I can do it.

I’m also going to take you along with me, if you want. I’m going to teach you how to clean our YOUR photos too - if you’re up for it. More details to come soon :)

April Goals

Read Beginner’s Pluck (PLEASE read this. I’ve already started and it is hilarious and SO, so good.)
Clean out my own Photos & Baby Books
Finish my Guide to Organizing your Photos (Cannot wait to share what I’ve been up to!)
Celebrate Easter BIG as a family
Decide on Milly’s school for the fall

What goals are you setting for this unusual month of quarantining? I would love to hear!

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