Posts in Mommahood
077 - Back to School Rhythms and Routines

School shopping as a parent. It's not always so pretty. There's a lot to manage. There's a lot to take hold of. And I've learned this: there's a lot of different correspondence and papers, a lot of different things going on.

I don't have a ton of years under my belt, but I am committed to putting systems, and rhythms, and routines into place as we go back to school that will allow us to flourish instead of being stressed out.

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064 - Making Memories with Sally Clarkson

Today’s conversation with Sally Clarkson felt like a big hug from your mom—that you really needed. We talk all about making memories with our children, and to be honest I had this idea in my head that it would be all about planning these grand, extravagant trips and celebrations, but it wasn’t. It was about the day-to-day life, about the little things, and really, it’s all about your health and happiness as a mom.

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036 - Living a Content Life with Rachel Cruze

I am convinced that contentment is something we have to fight for and pay attention to. It's not something that comes naturally in our culture, when everywhere we look, we are hearing silent messages of you need this, you don't have enough, you have to buy this to be happy. Today, I’m so excited to be talking with Rachel Cruze all about this desperately needed topic!

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031 - My #1 Parenting Tip

Parenting can be so overwhelming at times. Some days I feel like I'm doing it pretty good, and other days I feel like I have tried to do everything right and my kid's behavior is still wild and defiant and I kind of lose my mind on them. However, I am going to share my number one parenting tip that has been a real game changer for me and Will, and for our kids.

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023 - The Fear of Becoming a Mom with Katelyn James

For the longest time I was really afraid of becoming a mom. I thought that I should have these longings to be a mother or I really should want to have a baby, but I never did. This is something my friend Katelyn James and I both experienced, and our hope is that if you’re in the same boat, our conversation would make you feel a little bit more normal and not alone.

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MommahoodNancy RayMotherhood